Backyard Oasis
Downtown, Brooklyn
With the support of an open minded home owner Native NY Gardens took a typical Brooklyn backyard (with a play house that the children had outgrown and a lawn in disrepair) and transformed it into an oasis! Over 15 varieties of native trees and shrubs, 30 varieties of herbaceous plants, grasses, aquatic species and moss took root in the garden, giving it a botanical garden type of feel.
What would an oasis be without water? (Well not an Oasis at all). For this project Native NY Gardens designed a pond that utilizes aquatic plants as natural water cleaners. Balance of natural systems is vital to any healthy pond preventing algae blooms and repelling misquote larvae. In time we will introduce misquote fish, frogs and turtles to further balance this aquatic habitat.
Plant Diversity
Plant diversity is key for any ecosystem, fruitful oasis or diatomic garden. By understanding how plants function in an ecosystem we can maximize their impact on bees, butterflies, birds and of course, people! Diversity is beautiful and an amazing asset to own.
“I have called this principle, by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved, by the term of Natural Selection.